
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The transfer function of a system is given as

The transfer function of a system is given as   
This system is                                      (GATE-EE-2008)

A. an overdamped system
B. an underdamped system
C. a critically damped system
D. an unstable system

Explanatory answer:

Systems are classified according to their damping ratio( ζ ) vales,

If ζ < 1, underdamped system

if  ζ = 1, critically damped system         

if  ζ > 1, overdamped system .

Comparing   s^2+ 2ζwn +wn^2   with   s^2+ 20s +100

wn^2=100, wn = 10

2ζwn = 20,   ζ = 20/20= 1

 ζ=1, hence this system is a critically damped system. 

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