
Thursday, June 4, 2015

GE6252 Basic electrical and electronics engineering-important questions

Here we have  provided GE6252 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering important questions for the upcoming university exam Nov/Dec 2015.students can download and make use of it.
Regulation 2013, I year 2nd semester GE6252 BEEE part-A and important questions, GE6252 syllabus for NOV/DEC 2015 exam are provided below.

GE6252 BEEE important part-b questions      click here

GE6252 BEEE important questions may/june-2016- click here

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GE6252 BEEE important questions for nov/dec 2015

GE6252 BEEE notes

GE6252 BEEE syllabus

GE6252 question bank